The Prophetic Seerah Recording

The Prophetic Seerah Recording


The Seerah is alive, experience it. 

13 Recorded Sessions

Sessions are about 1.5 to 2 hours long.

I’m not sure anything could be better than your Seerah course …

I cannot express how much your Seerah course has meant to me. I had listened to lectures and other courses online and read books, but nothing spoke to me like your sharing of the Seerah. Of course we all learned so much from your incredible knowledge, but it never felt like your intention was only to teach us. It felt like you were telling us stories, through which we learned and, most importantly, felt your love for the Prophet (saw). I will never forget this love and your vulnerability and humility in sharing. As I prepare to visit the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah for the first time in just over a week inshaAllah, one of the most important things I will take with me is this love for the Prophet (saw) you have helped to instill in my heart. May Allah bless you and reward you.”

This is a rare opportunity; Sha.Shaista has not taught the Seerah in its entirety. She is well studied in Seerah and hadith and brings so much to the understanding of Prophetic Biography, having studied with expert scholars and devoted lovers such as Sh.Samer al-Nass, Sh.Abdullah al-Adhami, Sh.Muhammad al-Yaqoubi, Anse Sameera Za-id and many other brilliant scholars.

This is a telling of the entire Seerah in 13 sessions. They are recordings so you can listen to them at your own pace and speed up or slow down as you wish. With these 13 sessions, you will have gotten the most crucial and important points of the Seerah.

If you don’t have lots of time to take a class – take out 3 months, one class a week and learn the entire Seerah in that time. This telling of the Seerah will be a way you have never heard it before. From a woman and with an understanding that is rare to come by in English speakers.



from those who experienced Seerah and hadith come to life via Sha.Shaista's telling of it:

Many people read Hadith but not everyone can bring it to life. When Ustadha Shaista reads Hadith, she is not only relating the words of the Noble Messenger ﷺ rather, she’s highlighting the exchange that occurred between the narrator (the companion) and the Prophet ﷺ in the most vibrant manner. She makes it clear that what’s before us was a real, lively exchange that occurred between the prophet ﷺ and one of his companions. She helps the listener understand proper context and therefore see its relevance to her own life - that though his words ﷺ seemed like they were for someone particular, they’re for anyone who comes upon it to take pause. That’s exactly why reading Hadith with her is eye-opening!  - HR, California

JazakAllahkhair infinitely for the beautiful session dear Ustadha absolutely loved it!!!!!!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 (on session on hadith)


Testimonials from this Prophetic Seerah Class:

This is a course not only to learn the facts and figures of Seerah and its important moments, most importantly I finished this course with an emotional connection to and love for the Prophet (saw) that can only come from a teacher who truly loves the Prophet (saw) as much as Shaykha Shaista. I am forever grateful for her knowledge and emotions and her willingness to share both.

"I wish the class would never end..."

I just wanted to let you know that my heart is so full from your class. I realized how much I missed closeness through knowledge to our beloved, peace be upon him. Jazakillah

Hearing the Seerah from a lover like yourself, it becomes an experience....

It was such a beautiful, so, so beautfiul! The insights were so powerful...I don't even know how to describe was just incredible!

I loved the perspective that ustadha Shaista brought to this class. She made us stop and appreciate the subtle moments such as the Prophet’s (sa) care and concern for the believing women. I would not have noticed these details in my own.

Each week felt like revival for my heart, increasing my love for the Prophet peace be upon him and gratitude to Allah for our pious predecessors. I felt more loving and grateful throughout the week as I carried what I learned from the Seerah classes in my mind and heart. I really enjoyed Shaykha Shaista as she brought so much detail, love, and steadfastness of deep faith to each class. I cried with her every class, MashAllah

Shaykha Shaista teaches from a genuine love and devotion to the Prophetic Seerah. She beautifully models how learning about the beloved of Allah (saws) should move us all.

I want to send a quick note to say how much I enjoyed the class yesterday. Your love of the Prophet (saw) and your knowledge of the Seerah shone through. I appreciate how respectful you are of our time (and your own, of course), but inshaAllah I will always leave a little extra time in case the class goes on a little longer because it is time well spent.