Mommy Fiqh Class Recording
Mommy Fiqh Class Recording
Mommy/Purification Fiqh Class Recording
- Almost 2 hours of detailed instruction on purifying different materials.
- Purifying impurities (najasah) of ALL types
- Fiqh not just for moms, but all women who ever have to deal with impurities and clean up after family!
- Baby poop/vomit
- Praying while holding babies with dirty diapers
- Potty training and purification around the house
- Practical tips and advice from a mother of 4 and teacher of fiqh.
- End your waswasa!
- Detailed slides with PRACTICAL instructions.
- Cleansing/purifying carpets, floors, clothes, skin/baby bottoms, and more.
Note from teacher:
This was probably one of the most important classes I have ever done.
Alhamduli Allah, after 4 kids, I know how to potty train and how to clean up the accidents, what to do with crying and/or runaway babies and prayer, baby vomit, etc. Not just because I’m a mother, but because I am a teacher of the fiqh, so I can take you step by step and detail how to do all these things.
You can take a fiqh class and learn how to theoretically clean impurities, but you won’t get the practical day to day method with tips and advice unless you’re studying with a mom/housewife who’s been there and done that.
My second regret is to call it specifically “Mommy” fiqh. This is fiqh that really should be known by everyone. Married women – need to know how to clean any impurities from intimacy; daughters taking care of elderly parents, aunts with young nephews/nieces…and the list goes on. If you’ve ever thrown up or live with someone who has (or potentially may) – you need to know how to clean that up! (Practically that means all of us…)