Objectives of Prayer

Objectives of Prayer


Objectives of Prayer Class

by Imam al-’Izz ibn Abd al-Salam


Attendees will be granted ijazah/isnaad to the author, the Sultan of Scholars, Imam al-Izz ibn Abdissalaam, via our dear shaykh, Sh.Abdullah Adhami.

Saturdays in Ramadan 11AM EST/4PM London (Confirmed)

Starting March 16th (All classes are recorded for those who can’t attend live.)

taught by Sha.Shaista Maqbool

-Are you distracted in your prayer?

-Do you feel disconnected from the prayer? Like it’s just motions?

Give your prayer a reviving boost with this class. Ramadan is the best time to revive your prayer!

  • Weekly class for Ramadan
  • Spiritual meanings of prayer

***Early bird pricing ends Friday, March 15th, 2024.***

N’imah is committed to provide basic knowledge to everyone. If you are interested in the class, but the fees are an issue, please reach out to admin@nimah.org and you will be taken care of inshaAllah.