Pre-Marital Courtship & Nikah

Pre-Marital Courtship & Nikah

Original price was: $180.00.Current price is: $150.00.

Pre-Marital Courtship & Nikah

Weekly Class Starting:

Sunday, Feb. 23rd 12PM EST/5PM London

by Sha. Shaista Maqbool

The topics that will be covered in this class include:

  • Fiqh of talking to a prospect: what is allowed and what isn’t
  • The most important qualities in a spouse – from the Sunnah
  • Suitability in fiqh and its effect on marriage
  • Parental approval/consent
  • Nikah contract – what is necessary and what is wrong
  • The Mahr/dowry

This class will meet once a week for an hour. The class will be approximately 2 months.

Sign up now for the special early bird price of $150!