Pregnancy, Nursing, and Fasting Comprehensive Ebook + Webinar Signup

Pregnancy, Nursing, and Fasting Comprehensive Ebook + Webinar Signup


Comprehensive Pregnancy, Nursing, and Fasting Ebook & Webinar Recording

PLUS: Pregnancy, Prayer, and Labor ebook!


This Comprehensive Guide is exactly that!

It covers:
-The fiqh of pregnancy and nursing while fasting in DETAIL
- When can you break your fast if pregnant or nursing?
-Are you allowed to not fast the entire month?
-What if husband/family want you to break your fast?
-Advice from non-Muslim doctor
-Feeling weak
-Taking a break to rejuvenate
-When you're just not sure!
-Do you have to wait until you feel sick to break your fast?
-Nutrition and Health tips to ensure a healthy Ramadan
-Fiqh hacks :)
-Sha.Shaista's own personal experience with 4 pregnancies and nursing babies - an invaluable insight! Issues include:
  • fasting while spotting/bleeding
  • fasting while nursing a toddler
  • fasting close to due date
  • and more!
-How to practically apply all the rulings
Pregnancy, Labor, and Prayer Ebook
Sha.Shaista is currently updating this ebook and inshaAllah it will be sent out once the update is complete.


Registrants will  receive the latest pdf version of the ebook as well access to live webinar.
The webinar will go over key points of the ebook as well as questions and real cases from mothers like you.
If you can't attend live - no worries! It will be recorded.

For your FREE Pregnancy, Nursing, and Fasting Abridged Ebook, signup here.

The abridged version contains the fiqh rulings and some details. The complete Comprehensive Guide has extra clarification; nutrition and fiqh hacks; and how the rules are applied through the personal experience of Sha.Shaista Maqbool.