Revival (payment option 2)

6 Month Hadith Studies + Life Coaching Program for Women

Revival (payment option 2)



Classes will start Tuesday, October 8th, inshaAllah.

Classes are approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes for 6 months.

via Zoom

All classes will be recorded for those who can’t attend live.

Get knowledge through classes and get practical through coaching with Sister Zaida Ishfaq – now offered in one course!

Taught by Sha.Shaista Maqbool with practical coaching sessions by Sister Zaida Ishfaq

***Price of the entire course is LESS than the cost of 6 standard 1-hour coaching sessions!!!***

This page is for 2 payments of $320 (early bird) or $337, now and then a second collected in the following month. Early Bird ends September 24th.

An important  course for women in da'wah or mentor positions looking to instill Muslim-women identity and/or women who have been alienated from the Deen in some way.

Are you a woman struggling with rules around intimacy and obedience and just overall importance of your position in marriage?

Do you struggle with boundaries with regards to family, husband, and in-laws? 

How much would it mean for you to know that your decisions are in line with what your Lord wants? 

How much would it mean for you to stop feeling like aspects of the Deen are against you and instead connect with EVERY hadith and verse?

Get clarity on ahadith/ayaat that have been used negatively against women.

To 'Reconnect and Revive' is to connect and ultimately – love –  Allah and His Messenger ﷺ fully.

"This course allows to explore hadiths and statements that are very important for every woman's spiritual journey." (3-month Revival Student)
"This is an empowering course for all women with vital information that I haven't heard from any where else." (3-month Revival Student)

About the Course

This course is now 6 months and will dive even deeper into our true tradition to bring about a renewed mindset and a new life inshaAllah!

This course  is life-changing, not just paradigm-shifting, inshaAllah. It will cover all major issues for women related to marriage, women’s status and their place and respect in the Deen. But it is more than just an informative course, it is designed to change your heart and connection with the Deen. 

"[The course] has made me reevaluate my complete existence as a Muslim woman and I feel that I have a new connection Rasullulah saw and Allah swt. Alhumdulillah!"(3-month Revival Student)

Sha.Shaista will be teaching using hadith with usuli principles and fiqh to understand and revive the spirit of Madinan society: namely the spirit of the female Companions; their spirituality, their boldness, their confidence as well as their peace, fulfillment and joy. The course will help you recognize and rid the non-Sunnah ideals in your life and help you plant and nourish Sunnah ideals. It will teach you how the Sunnah outlook on life and  navigate life’s big issues within that framework.

"The content in this class is amazing! I have loved learning about the hoodies from a very different perspective."(3-month Revival Student)

We will constantly delve into ahadith to see how rulings and general principles are truly enacted upon. It will be an in-depth study of ahadith related to family and household – all the while understanding these from a women’s scholarly perspective ie never going against principles and teachings of the Deen therein.

There are rulings/hadith we have heard or that have been used as a weapon against us/women. These issues need to be addressed so we can let go of any barriers that prevent us from loving Allah and His Messenger ﷺ unconditionally, the way we were meant to; that most sweetest love that is the only thing that can fill your heart and nourish your soul. This is the way of Madinan Society: unshakeable faith and unconditional love. Let’s revive that!

"This class really helps to develop a balanced understanding of how the Sunnah household should be. It clears up the common misconceptions in terms of certain hadiths and events which may easily be misunderstood outside of context." (3-month Revival Student)

This course will show women how the Deen has their back; for you to know that Allah, Mighty and Majestic, wants for you eternal happiness and success. It will give you a glimpse of Madinan society, the strong women that the society bred under the auspicious leadership and Prophethood of our Beloved Master Muhammad ﷺ. You will be in awe of the beauty of the Messenger ﷺ, and inshaAllah grow in love for him and your Lord. InshaAllah this course will help you get closer to Allah by showing you the deep wisdom and care He has for His servants, male and female alike.

"This is an empowering course for all women with vital information that I haven't heard from any where else."   (3-month Revival Student)

This course is one of a kind. You have a teacher with a strong  a strong fiqh and hadith background PLUS a powerhouse of a coach who has 10 plus years of experience! This course will inshaAllah be a marriage between Deen and life-skills coaching. It will include self-awareness and self-development exercises to help women break away from what is keeping them from their true spiritual potential.

"Alhamdulillah, this course has changed my outlook on many things, and I often find myself reflecting over how I used to be and think, and how what I’m learning now is changing me for the better. One thing is for sure: Life is so much easier without the guilt and thoughts of not being good enough. May Allah bless you abundantly."


  • The Muslim woman’s role and purpose
  • Prophetic Regard for Women
  • Marriage
    • Our Ultimate Example: The Prophetic Household
    • Qualities to look for in a spouse
    • Sunnah understanding of roles and responsibilities in marriage
    • Marriage Conflict
    • Hadith of Umm Zar’: praiseworthy and blameworthy characteristics of husbands
    • Bedroom Fiqh – forcing and refusing of intimacy
    • You and your spouse
    • Families and In-Laws
  • Divorce Paradigm in Madinan Society
    • Rule: When to Call it Quits
    • When Divorce Becomes Necessary
  • Respect
    • How to give it and expect it.
    • Self respect and boundaries
  • Dealing with Hardships
    • When to be patient and when to ‘fight back’
    • Forgiveness or retribution?
  • Boundaries in Sunnah and what they look like pracitically.
  • Self care in the Sunnah
  • What God wants for us and from us; Islamic Outlook on Life
  • Hadith Covered: Hadiths of ‘sajda’; ‘naaqisaatul -’aql, ‘crooked rib’; hadith of Umm Zar'; ayah of Qawwamah.

Who Will Benefit From this Course

  • Women looking to get married.
  • Married women: all marriages have struggles, this course will help you an idea on how to navigate through them.
  • Unmarried women struggling with family, friends or work
  • Women who feel disillusioned by what they hear about the Deen: find out how the Deen has your back! Many rulings that are being applied literally are harming women, find out why the principles of our Deen reject this.
  • Young women: who are you as a Muslim women? What is your role? What is expected of you? This course will help answer those questions.
  • Women who are in difficult/oppressive or confusing situations: what can you do? How can you help yourself?

"I also really needed and loved the sessions on boundaries as this is something I struggle with a lot."

  • Women who are connected to Allah and the Messenger ﷺ but are confused how some rules of the Deen are beneficial to them. InshaAllah this will help clear those doubts and connect even more to Allah and His Messenger ﷺ.

"Alhamdulillah, through this course I have gained more than I expected. Not only knowledge and a new understanding of ahadith, but also letting go of guilt, which then is followed by confidence, which is slowly growing week by week as we’re going through this course. I always look forward to class, where Shaykha Shaista helps us look through the lense of love that the Prophet ﷺ has for us." (3-month Revival Student)

  • Women who want PRACTICAL solutions to the issues they face.
  • Women who want to be shown step-by-step how to implement these ideals.


Still not sure this course is for you? Register with no regrets! If you find after the first THREE classes you haven’t learned/benefited - simply ask for a refund.

Want more of an idea of the course content? Listen to Women in Medinah talk here. It’s a small taster of what will be offered in the course.

Testimonials from 3-month Revival Course

You are amazing MashaAllah and it’s a huge blessing to be able to learn from you and clear up misunderstandings, we definitely need more time with you, 6 months would be amazing to fully clarify majority of these issues. 

I appreciate you and your explanations Alhamdulillah.
Jazakum Allah kheir for putting this course together. This is so much needed!
Come to the UK & to a Retreat xx
The content was excellent.
Learning about all the hadith purely from a woman's perspective really stood out for me. It helped me to understand my role and space as a Muslim woman. 
What stood out for me is how much context matters and how unfortunate it is that ahadith are taken out of context and used against women. I love that Shaykha puts things into perspective within the light of the sunnah.
I absolutely love how you are breaking down and analyzing all the hadiths. Generally we hear them from only certain angles. I also especially like how you are telling us women to advocate for ourselves and have our expectations.
I find the topics and choice of hadiths very interesting and the discussions and care Sha. Shaista puts in helping us very uplifting and touching.

Testimonials from 5-week Revival Course

It removed wrong ideas I had (and didn’t know I had) about the role of women in islam, especially as wives. The stories increased my love for the Prophet sala Allah alayhi wa salam more… I feel I have more pride and “Izza” as a Muslim woman.  —MA 

The topics chosen for each week were holistic, relevant and really important. I liked the simplicity of your presentation as it made it easy to follow and understand. You dropped some amazing gems, and made it safe for us to share and feel heard. You were interactive and encouraged us to think for ourselves and make notes. Your teaching style is authentic and straightforward, you use language that’s understandable. I convinced my friend Sofia to join this course, she’s an Arab, I am a Pakistani but she I both still discussed found this course so beneficial and easy to understand.  —MM; UK

I appreciate you explaining ahaadith from a woman’s perspective, it’s rare. 

The stories of the Sahabat and going back to Rasuul Allah ﷺ for all things.

[Sha.Shaista has] done an incredible job with sharing and feeding us so much knowledge for the soul.


*No initials are mentioned to keep testimonials anonymous.

****EARLY BIRD PRICE ENDS September 24th***