A smile worth more than this world and the next:
On the way back from a military campaign, Abdullah ibn Ubayy, the head of the hypocrites said: ‘When we return to Medinah, the most honorable will kick out the most lowly.” Implying he would kick out the Most Honorable Prophet ﷺ .
Zaid ibn Arqam heard this and went to the Prophet (ﷺ ) and told him, who of course, disliked it. Umar , who was there said, “Let me kill this hypocrite,” but the Prophet (ﷺ ) prohibited him from it.
When Abdullah found out that Zaid had told the Propeht (ﷺ ), he went to the Prophet (ﷺ ) and swore by Allah he never said it, such that those who were present said, “Perhaps the boy was mistaken…”
So Zaid was distressed at what was said and that the Prophet (ﷺ ) accepted ibn ubayy’s oath. Furthermore, someone said to him, “What did you want that the Proph. saw would hate you and belie you and the Muslims belie you too?!” So Zaid said about himself, “I was distraught in such a way that i had never been distraught before.
On their way back to Medinah, Zaid was riding and he had lowered his head from distress, the Prophet saw came to him and pinched his ear and smiled at him. Zaid said, “It would not make me happy to have instead of it the everlasting (ie jannah) or dunya (this worldly things). Then Abu Bakr came to me and said, “What did the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ ) say to you? I said, he didn’t say anything to me other than he pinched my ear and smiled at me.” So Abu Bakr said, “Rejoice!”
Then Umar came and asked similar and I said similar to him.
The next morning, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ ) recited Surat Munafiqun. ie. The Surah of the Hypocrites was revealed in which it exposed the lie of Ibn Ubayy and confirmed the report of Zaid ibn Arqam.
Look how the Sahabah valued His most beautiful smile! Zaid would not exchange that smile for this world or the next!
The Sahabah are our example of love, we vie with each other and them in loving him more, may Allah make us of the best who love him and the best who are loved by him ﷺ .