Don’t Be That In-Law

A friend recently had the nikah of her daughter and it was truly joyous and also it’s new territory for many of us – going from the daughter in law to mother in law.

One thing we have to be mindful of is to not repeat or do the things we didn’t like to have done to us.

Unfortunately some cultures are known to treat the daughter in law poorly, but when that same oppressed daughter in law becomes the mother in law, she does the same thing! Its as though she takes out her negativity on her daughter in law and the cycle continues.

But you don’t have to be a mother in law to be a good in law – being a good sister in law also counts!

One point that we really need to connect – especially  as sister in laws –  do we support what’s right? Or do you just support your brother when his wife seeks your help?

Or  – even worse! – is your “support” to encourage her to “be patient???”

Do you know when the Prophet ﷺ told a women to be patient? When her loved one was dead. That’s when you advise someone to be patient – when there is absolutely nothing you can do.

When a women came to him with a problem, he NEVER told her to be patient, he helped solve her problems ﷺ

But can you tell when a woman has a valid complaint or not? ie when should you help and talk to your brother and when is she just asking for too much?

I talk about this and so much more in Revival course, check it out here.

Learn how to be a thriving wife as well as a better sister in law!




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